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Let's Get Cracking! with Robert Dante


About Robert Dante

Robert Dante's extensive portfolio showcases his multifaceted career as a bullwhip artist, author, and writer. He's published numerous articles and books on bullwhip skills and related topics, including "Let's Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills,"  and "Bullwhip: The Dante Method." His work also spans journalism, criticism, poetry, fiction, and screenwriting. He maintains several websites dedicated to his bullwhip craft and broader artistic endeavors.


  Let's Get Cracking! — Whips 101.

 The Bullwhip in the Dungeon — S&M applications of skills learned in Whips 101.

 Bullwhip: The Epitome of SM — a look at the relationship between good bullwhip handling and the Power Exchange dynamic.

 The Wide World of Whips — Solving problems, safety concerns, resources, etc.

 Dante Master Class — a format in which I would work intensively with several people as others watch so that many could learn from the experience of one.

 Stacking the Odds in Your Favor — How to increase the likelihood of successful and safe bullwhip scenes without sacrificing intensity or enjoyability. This includes working in awkward or small spaces.

 Fine Tuning Your Whips — Optimizing your whips for better performance (crackers, falls, conditioning, storing, repairs, elements of a good whip repair bag, and more).

 Strutting Your Single-Tail Stuff —Tricks and stunts and games to increase accuracy and finesse, and which also would allow one to impress their friends and future play partners with their whip handling ability.

 Snake Whips — For beginners to experienced whip handlers, the application of Dante's long-whip system to short singletails, including fads, fallacies, con jobs, techniques, tips and theories.

  An Evening with Robert Dante — Conversation, Q&A, whip demo, true stories, no BS. I like to use analogy to get a concept across sometimes. Like calling a whip Harry Potter’s wand. I’ll hold the whip still for a moment in the air, then let it roll out all the way to the end, where I’d use the point-and-squeeze technique (Tenouchi) to make a sharp crack. 

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