— Robert Dante —
Bullwhip Instructor/Coach,
Demo Presenter
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Tools of the Trade
How it works
(at 1100 feet per second)
Knowing how to make a bullwhip land as softly as a feather
Roses and Bullwhips -
Ahh Yes!
Balloons and Bullwhips -
Mortal Enemies
“THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH FOR JOINING US! You were a pleasure to work with all throughout this process. “
(Justin Akin, Charlotte Motor Speedway)
"The mesmerizing, seemingly incongruous act, which they perform versions of for wild west shows, circuses, cabarets and nightclubs nationwide, melds belly dancing with Robert's ballet of leather..." "...The whip can be peaceful, or powerful. With her standing with her back to him, Robert can curl the whip around her body and snap in two a piece of plastic foam she holds in her hand. Or he can make the whip alight on her finger and wrap gently around it, or he can slice a piece of newspaper from the arch of her back."
(Minneapolis Star Tribune feature article, "The Bullwhipper and the Belly Dancer")
“In Dante’s hands, the whip is a serpent, undulating lazily just above the ground. It is a stylus, tracing graceful figure-eights in the air. It is a knife, slicing a playing card in half or snatching a leaf from a tree. It is a musical instrument, cracking rapidly three times, pausing, then cracking once more, like the rat-a-tat of some gigantic drum. It is a lover’s hand, gently caressing an outstretched wrist as it drifts earthward...“
(Los Angeles Times - “Coiled and Ready”)
“Minneapolis performer claims world mark as 'Fastest Whip' in the west (north, south and east, too)”
(Minneapolis Star-Tribune)
“Fastest bullwhip this side of the Mississippi”
(Associated Press)
"The whip comes to life in Robert's hand ...... and dances, often while it appears as if Robert is doing little more than standing and holding the whip. The rolling and waving motions of the whip across the floor and through the air are mesmerizing. I suspect there are very few people capable of displaying this level of finesse with a bullwhip... Besides astounding accuracy, the energy Robert brings to a whipping scene is transportive…"
From Mistress Troy's Blog:
"A Private Bullwhip Lesson with Robert Dante"
“When I teach, I refer to you often as a mentor of mine and I quote you and Reference you frequently.” (HR)
"Fast is Fine, but Accuracy is Forever."
— Wyatt Earp
"Do the thing, and you have the Power."
— R.W. Emerson
“His skill is breathtaking as he directs his whip as if just willing its placement. If you want to add an element of surprise to your event, I'd highly recommend hiring Dante.”
(Janet Lawrence, Distinctive Celebrations LLC )
“Thank you! You were a bright spot!”
(Walker Art Center, Minneapolis )
“Your act is professional, unique -- and a real treat.”
(David Walbridge, Mondo Fest)
"You were such a hit! We loved having you there - it was the only time during the evening that the audience gave the stage their FULL attention!"
(Sara Barsness, Minn. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)
All material on this website © copyright 2025 by Robert Dante