— Robert Dante —
Bullwhip Instructor/Coach,
Demo Presenter
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Performances & Appearances
New Paragraph
— 2025—
Oct. 18, 2025 - La Domaine Essemar, Stephentown NY
Aug 27-31, 2025 - AKA Rome Italy
Aug. 21-24, 2025 - DK Kink Convention, Skive Denmark
Aug. 2 , 2025- MAsT R.I. Presents Whips With Dante Master class, Warwick R.I.
July 24-27, 2025 - Casco Days Parade - Lobsters and Whips with Dante, Casco ME
July 3-6, 2025 - TBA
— 2024—
Aug. 31-Sept 3 2024 - AKA, Rome, Italy
Aug. 22-24, 2024 - DK Kink Convention, Skive Denmark
May 25-June 2, 2024 - Camp Crucible, Darlington, MD
Jan 2, 2024 - Named Bullwhip Consultant for Circus Talk
— 2023 —
Nov 1, 2023 - AGC Keynote Speaker - Minneapolis MN
April 2023 - Virgin Cruises "Another Rose" - Whip Trainer
— 2021 —
Sept. 12, 2021 - West Salem, Wisconsin - Mississippi Mayhem
May 2021 - Virgin Cruises "Another Rose" - Whip Trainer
— 2020 —
June 3, 2020 - Casco, ME - Moxie's Garden
June 12-15, 2020 - Stephentown, NY - La Domaine Esemar
May 23-31, 2020 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
March 13-14, 2020 - Billund, Denmark - Convention at Club Kink
— 2019 —
Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2019 - Birmingham, UK - Club Xstasia
Aug. 28, 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Wonderground
Aug. 25, 2019 - Solroed Strand, Denmark - Private Workshops
Aug. 24, 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark - SMil
Aug. 23, 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Wonderground/ Kinbaku Lounge
Aug. 23, 2019 - Solroed Strand, Denmark - Private Workshops
June 21-22, 2019 - Albany, NY - La Domaine Esemar
June 15, 2019 - Long Island, NY - L&L Events
June 7-9, 2019 - Casco, ME - Moxie's Garden
May 25-June 2, 2019 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
April 29-May 6, 2019 - Rome, Italy - Alcova Club
April 25-28, 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Club Kink
March 29, 2019 - Minneapolis, MN - Gothic Dream Equinox Gala
— 2018 —
Oct. 26-28, 2018 - Chicago, IL - Kinky Kollege
Aug. 25-26, 2018 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (6 shows)
July 20-22, 2018 - Casco, ME - Moxie's Garden
July 12-15, 2018 - Stephentown, NY - La Domaine Esemar
June 30, 2018 - Fort Lauderdale, FL - Gateway Center
May 26-June 3, 2018 - Darlington MD - Camp Crucible
May 24, 2018 - Philadelphia, PA - Passional Boutique
Mar. 31, 2018 - Fresno, CA - The Group in Fresno/ D&M Ranch
Mar. 22 & March 24, 2018 - San Francisco, CA - The Citadel
— 2017 —
Dec. 28, 2017 - St. Paul, MN - Can Can Wonderland Variety Show
Dec. 7, 2017 - St. Paul, MN - Can Can Wonderland Variety Show
Nov. 24-26, 2017 - Piscataway, NJ - Brimstone V
Nov. 18, 2017 - Greensboro, NC - La Fortress
Sept 15-25, 2017 - Melbourne, Australia - Oz Kink Fest
Sept. 1-3, 2017 - Anchorage, AK - Northern Exposure
Aug. 25-27, 2017 - Tulsa, OK - Xpressions Club
August 24, 2017 - Podcast: "The Johnny Ramone of Whip Cracking"
July 28-30, 2017 - Lansing, MI - SINergy
July 12, 2017 - Los Angeles, CA - TV Show "To Tell the Truth" (Episode 302)
June 9-11, 2017 - Upstate, NY - La Domaine Esemar
May 23-May 31, 2017 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
May 18-22, 2017 - Greensboro, NC - La Fortress
April 14-16, 2017 - Portland, OR - KinkFest
March 3-5, 2017 - Rome, Italy - Rome BDSM Conference
— 2016—
June 10-12, 2016 - Stephenstown, NY - La Domaine Esemar
May 28-June 5, 2016 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
May 20-21, 2016 - Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Playhouse
April 1-3, 2016 - Van Nuys, CA - Leather Heat Coalition
March 30, 2016 - San Jose, CA - The South Bay Spot
March 29, 2016 - Fresno, CA - The Group in Fresno
— 2015 —
Oct.3-4, 2015 - Des Moines, IA - CIPEX
Aug. 6-8, 2015 - Tulsa, OK - Xpressions Club
July 17-19, 2015 - Victoria, BC - Whip It Good
July 14, 2015 - San Jose, CA Latigo Jon Presents
July 13, 2015 - San Diego, CA - Club X
July 10-12, 2015 - Fresno CA - The Group In Fresno (TGIF)
July 8, 2015 - Sonora, CA - Sonora Area Munch
July 5, 2015 - Orange County, CA - Cynthia Hurt Presents
June 1, 2015 - Wilmington, DE - "Just Hanging Out" Group
June 3-7, 2015 - Stephentown, NY - La Domaine Esemar
May 23-31, 2015 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
— 2014 —
Oct. 11, 2014 - Davenport, IA - Riverbound's 15th Anniversary
July 25, 2014 - Tulsa, OK - Xpressions Club
May 24-June 1, 2014 - Maryland - Camp Crucible
May 19, 2014 - Los Angeles, CA - Talking Sex Radio with Rev Mel
March 28, 2014 - Philadelphia - Passional Boutique
March 21-22, 2014 - NYC - Paddles Club
March 17-19, 2014 - Albany, NY - La Domaine Essemar
March 14-16, 2014 - Hudson Valley, NY - 'Feel Me Breathe' Club
March 7-9, 2014 - Chicago, IL - Kinky Kollege
Feb. 1-2, 2014 - St Paul, MN - Klub Haus Cabaret
— 2013 —
July 25-28, 2013 - Greenville, OH - Annie Oakley Festival
July 13, 2013 - Roanoke, VA - RODS Group
July 4-7, 2013 - Piscataway, NJ - TESFest
June 28-30, 2013 - Winnipeg, MB - Fall From Grace
June 8, 2013 - Burlington, VT - VASE Group
June 1, 2013 - Darlington, MD - Guinness World Record "Fastest Whip"
May 25 - June 3, 2013 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
May 17 - 18, 2013 - Memphis, TN - Memphis Impact Group
Feb 1-3, 2013 - Columbus, OH - Winter Wickedness Event
— 2012 —
Nov 23-25, 2012 - Asbury Park, NJ - Brimstone
Nov 17-19, 2012 - Upstate New York - La Domaine Esemar
Nov 3, 2012 - St Paul, MN - Millenium Hotel Alchemy Show
Oct 26, 2012 - Charleston, SC - MacOff charity fundraiser
September 17, 2012 - Hamel, MN - Cub Scout Pack 538 demo
August 25-26, 2012 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (7 shows)
August 3-6, 2012 - Winnipeg, MB Fall from Grace
July 26-29, 2012 - Redwood Falls, MN - County Fair (14 shows)
July 21, 2012 - Selma, IN - Carenza's Caravan
July 13, 2012 - Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock
June 16-17, 2012 - Winnipeg, MB - Whip Weekend
May 26-June 5, 2012 - Darlington MD - Camp Crucible
April 28, 2012 - Edina, MN - Private Party
April 19, 2012 - St. Paul, MN - Cardinal Glass Event
March 31, 2012 - Houston, TX- 20th Anniversary Houston PEP
March 23-25, 2012 - New Orleans, LA - NOBLE Group
March 20, 2012 - Memphis, TN - Memphis Impact Group
March 17, 2012 - St. Paul, MN - Toil and Trouble Vaudeville
March 9 - 11, 2012 - Bloomington, MN - MarsCon
Feb 11, 2012 - Minneapolis, MN - Parkview Theater
Feb 3-4, 2012 - Winnipeg, MB - Valentine's Ball Stage Show
— 2011 —
Dec 31, 2011 - Fridley, MN - Dr Farrago at Two Stooges Club
Dec 17, 2011 - Farmington MO - The Vault
Dec 3, 2011 - Roseville, MN - MSDB's Bizarre Bazaar
Nov 18, 2011 - St Louis Park, MN - Rotary Club
Nov 11, 2011 - Red Wing, MN - Epic 11-11-11 Extravaganza
Nov 4, 2011 - Minneapolis, MN - Dr Farrago at Ground Zero
Oct 15-16, 2011 - Lawrence KS - The Sanctuary
Oct. 1, 2011 - St Cloud, MN - Half-time show St Cloud Univ.
Sept. 22, 2011 - Salt Lake City, UT - The Path
Sept. 17-18, 2011 - Tucson, AZ - "Behind Closed Doors" Conf.
Sept. 15, 2011 - Albuquerque, NM - "Evolution of the Revolution"
Sept. 14, 2011 - Englewood, CO - Colorado Whips Group
Sept. 13, 2011 - Wichita, KS - Private event
Aug. 27-28, 2011 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (8 shows)
June 11-Aug 27, 2011 - Minneapolis,MN - 'Bullwhips in the Open Field' at Walker Art Center
July 29-31, 2011 - Greenville, OH - Annie Oakley Days Festival
July 22, 2011 - Mt Pleasant, SC - Indiana Jones show at City Park
June 25, 2011 - Minneapolis, MN - Variety Show Parkview Theater
June 18, 2011 - Dayton, OH - Prestige Group
June 6, 2011 - New York, NY - LGBT Center Workshop
May 27, 2011-June 5, 2011 - Darlington, MD - Camp Crucible
May 21, 2011 - Charlotte, NC - Charlotte Motor Speedway
April 28, 2011 - Rochester, MN - Whiskey Bones Roadhouse
March 26, 2011 - Minneapolis, MN - Parkway Theater
March 21, 2011 - Sioux Falls, SD - SF Storm Arena
March 4-6, 2011 - Bloomington, MN - MarsCon
Feb. 26, 2011 - Rothschild, WI - Habitat for Humanity Fund Raiser
Feb 4, 2011 - Minneapolis, MN - Dr. Farrago at Ground Zero
— 2010 —
Sept. 18, 2010 - Post Falls, ID - Chamber Ball and Auction
Sept. 10, 2010 - Minneapolis, MN - Private corporate party
Aug. 28-29, 2010 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (8 shows)
Aug 13-15, 2010 - Los Angeles, CA - Threshold, Gemini Manor
Aug 7, 2010 - Phoenix, AZ - APEX
July 16-18, 2010 - Denver, CO - Thunder in the Mountains
May 24, 2010 - Mpls Museum Publicity Magazine Article - "Robert Dante and Minneapolis Bullwhip Academy at Twin Cities Museum"
March 5-7, 2010 - Bloomington, MN - MarsCon
Jan. 29, 2010 - Minneapolis, MN , Dr. Farrago at Ground Zero
— 2009 —
Oct. 23-24, 2009 - Winnipeg, MB - Private workshops, demos
Sept. 24-27, 2009 - South Carolina
Sept. 20, 2009 - BlogTalkRadio show, "Before Bedtime."
"Mr. Dante is an exceptional writer, speaker, and
he has been so kind to bless us with his interview
this week on Before Bedtime.
His specialty is western whips... If you got an itching
to return to the wild west, if the kid in you is dying
to come out, or if you just want to hear a great
interview, then Robert Dante is your man!"
Aug. 22-23, 2009 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (8 shows)
August 14-16, 2009 - Hulett, WY - "Ride A Horse, Feed A Cowboy" charity event.
July 23-26, 2009 - Greenville, OH - Annie Oakley Days Festival
June 10-12, 2009 - London, UK - TV appearances, public demos for Activision and LucasArts
June 6, 2009 - Book: "Absinthe and Flamethrowers: Ruminations on the Art of Living Dangerously" Author William Gurstelle quotes Dante in his book about risk-taking behavior, self-actualization and creativity.
June 1, 2009 - New York - Wall Street Journal credits Dante as teacher of Tina Nagy as whip cracking coach for off-Broadway play production on WSJ's blog (note: WSJ said this was their most read online story of the summer!)
April 3, 2009 - St. Paul, MN - TPT's "Almanac" (Public Television).
Feb. 20-21, 2009 - St. Paul, MN - Mondo Fest XX
— 2008 —
Dec. 6, 2008 - St Paul, MN - Bizarre Bazaar
Nov. 12, 2008 - Publication of book "Let's Get Cracking! The
How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills"
Oct. 12, 2008 - St Louis Park, MN - Set Guinness World Record for "Most Bullwhip Cracks in One Minute"
Aug. 23-24, 2008 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (8 shows)
July 25-27, 2008 - Greenville, OH - Annie Oakley Days Festival
Jun 27-29, 2008 - Asheville, NC -Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival
Feb 2, 2008 - Minneapolis, MN - Dr. Farrago at Club Trocadero
Jan 18-19, 2008 - Minneapolis, MN - Bedlam Theatre (2 sets)
Jan 11-12, 2008 - Minneapolis, MN - Midwest Burlesque Festival
— 2007 —
Dec 1, 2007 - Minneapolis, MN - MSDB's Bizarre Bazaar
Oct 13, 2007 - Minneapolis, MN - Video w/Rocky Rigoli "Your Mother: No. 3"
August 25-26, 2007 - Morristown, MN - Shooters Roundup (8 shows)
August 17, 2007 - Minneapolis, MN - Trocadero Nightclub
April 20, 2007 - Minneapolis, MN - Leather Leadership Conf.
March 24, 2007 - Eau Claire, WI - Chippewa Valley Group
— 2006 —
Oct. 29, 2006 - Minneapolis, MN - Independent's Anniversary (2 shows)
Oct. 19-21, 2006 - Nashville, TN - Nashville Leather Alliance.
Aug 29-31, 2006 - Seattle, OR - w/Gary Hill on "Frustrum"
Aug. 27, 2006 - St Paul, MN - St Paul Pioneer Press Sunday feature story by Richard Chin ("It's weapon as performance art. To some, it's romantic. But these classes are no bull...")
July 4, 2006 - Minneapolis, MN - 10-Second Film Festival
June 1, 2006 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque at Trocadero
May 18-21, 2006 - Mpls Conv. Ctr, MN - Sexpo - (8 shows)
May 15, 2006 - Associated Press story "Fastest
bullwhip this side of the Mississippi" ("He's broken world records with his whip, but he's a poet at heart...")
May 1, 2006 - Riverside CA - Press-Enterprise article: "Cracking Wise - And Really Fast" ("Dante...compares his whips to samurai swords because they're 'alive' and when you get a good one, 'It sings.'")
— 2005 —
Oct. 15, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Oct. 14, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Oct. 8, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Great Clips Annual National
Convention (Three motivational shows)
Sept. 31, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 30, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 24, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 23, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 16-18, 2005 - Sioux Falls, SD - Spirit of the West Festival
Sept. 10, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 9, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept. 3, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Sept 2, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
Aug. 26 , 2005- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
July 23, 2005 - Farmington, MN - 'Dakota City'
July 08, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
July 07, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Blacklight whips at Ground Zero
July 03, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
July 02, 2005 - St Paul, MN - Dr Farrago at Rennaissance Box
June 17, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
June 11, 2005 - Dundas, MN - Wild West Roundup
June 11, 2005 - St. Paul, MN - Nicole Du Fresne Memorial Benefit at Triple Rock
May 21, 2005 - Chicago, IL - Oak Lawn Harley-Davidson grand opening
May 13-15, 2005 - Springfield, VT - Vermont Soc. of K., Vermont Rose, and Thorn and DS Darkstone
May 07, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
April 27, 2005 - - Miami, Florida - Doral Country Club
April 16, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
April 9, 2005 - St Paul, MN - Variety Show at Mounds Theater
April 1-3, 2005 - Houston, TX - HPEP Ball
March 30, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - The Lounge (Private Party)
March 4-6, 2005 - Bloomington, MN - MarsCon
Feb. 18-20, 2005 - St. Paul, MN - Mondo Juggle Fest
February, 2005 - American Western Magazine (Guinness record story)
February, 2005 - The Book of Alternative Records Listed for setting World Record
Jan. 9, 2005 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue
— 2004 —
Oct. 11, 2004 - Las Vegas, NV - Ropelines (Wild West Arts Club) -
Article: "Whip Cracking in a Different Light"
Aug. 26, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - MN State Fair w/Lori and Julia Show
July 8, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - FM 107 (Lori and Julia Show)
Dec. 18, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Dec. 17, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Dec. 11, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Dec. 11, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - MSDB's Bizarre Bazaar
Dec. 10, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Dec. 03, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 27, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 26, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 20, 2004 - Burnsville, MN - Demo before "Wild Bill and Calamity Jane"
Nov. 13, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 12 , 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 06, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Nov. 05, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 30, 2004- Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 30, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Cassandra's Cabaret
Oct. 29, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 11, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fundraiser
Oct. 09, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 08, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 01, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Oct. 02, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Sept. 25, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Sept. 24, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Sept. 17-19, 2004 - Sioux Falls, SD - Spirit of the West Festival
Sept. 10, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Sept. 12, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - "Phantasmagoria" Circus Benefit
Sept. 11, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque Revue (2 sets)
Sept. 4, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque (2 sets)
Sept. 3, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque ( 2 sets)
Aug. 28, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Arcadia Theater
Aug. 2, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Bryant Lake Bowl Theater/Cafe Barbette Festival
Aug. 20, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque (2 sets)
Aug. 19, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Lili's Burlesque (2 sets)
July 16-08, 2004 - Winnipeg, MB - D&s Soc. of MB "Frontier Mentality"
June 27, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Minneapolis Star Tribune "The Bullwhipper and the Belly Dancer"
June 26, 2004 - Chicago, IL - Black Market
June 22, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Pride Weekend (MSDB)
June 11, 2004 - Mineapolis, MN - Cirque Rouge at First Avenue
May 29, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - "The Wide and Wild World of Whips" - Patrick's Cabaret
May 26, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Dr. Farrago at First Av. (2 sets)
May 21-23, 2004 - Rosemount, MN - Western Arena Arts Roundup
April 30-May 3, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - MWF's "Spring Sting"
April 24, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Guild of Oriental Dance Annual Show - Whip Dance
March 30, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - Dr. Farrago at First Avenue
March 6, 2004 - Minneapolis, MN - MarsCon
Feb. 14-15, 2004 - College Park, GA - Four circus performances at Henderson Arena
Feb. 12-13, 2004 - Greeneville, SC - Timmons Arena
Feb. 11, 2004 - Greeneville, NC - Interview with John Lee on WLOS-TV 13 (ABC)
Feb. 10, 2004 - Cullowhee, SC - Two circus performances at - Ramsey Center at Furman University
Feb. 8, 2004 - Gainesville, FL -Georgia Mountain Center
Feb. 7, 2004 - Eufala, AL - Eufaula Civic Center
Feb. 5-6, 2004 - Panama City, FL - Marina Civic Center
Feb. 05, 2004 - Pensacola, FL - Florida Independent Sun profile
Feb. 4, 2004 - Pensacola, FL - Bayfront Auditorium
Feb. 3, 2004 - Dothan, AL - Dothan Civic Center
Feb 03, 2004 - Dothan, AL - Interview on evening news WTVY-TV (CBS)
Feb. 1-2, 2004 - Macon, GA - Four circus performances at Centreplex
Feb. 01, 2004 - Atlanta, GA - Atlanta Constitution Journal interview
Jan. 31, 2004 - Duluth, AL - Gwinnett Arena
Jan. 17, 2004 - San Francisco - Xenodrome Circus
Jan. 07, 2004 - Duluth, GA - Gwinnett Daily Post interview
— 2003 —
Dec. 30, 2003 - San Francisco, CA - "Evening Magazine" on KPIX
(CBS) with Mike Rowe and Andrew Conway
Dec. 13, 2003 - Hollywood, CA - Day-long series of lessons at Dream Circus
Nov. 25, 2003 - Hollywood, CA - Lessons at Dream Circus
Nov. 24, 2003 - San Francisco, CA - Climate Theater - Cabaret
Nov. 22, 2003 - Hayward, CA - The Scenery
Nov. 12, 2003 - Las Vegas, NV - Ropelines (WWAC) -- article
about Guinness whip record
Nov. 11, 2003 - Minneapolis, MN - Lavender Magazine, Feature profile
Aug. to Oct. 2003- Hollywood, CA - Whip Coach -- weekly
Bullwhip Academy at Dream Circus
Oct. 3-4, 2003 - Houston, TX - HPEP Anniversary Weekend
Sept. 25. 2003 - Los Angeles, CA - KKBT (100.3 FM) and KTLA Ch. 5 - Steve Harvey's morning radio show.
Sept 23, 2003 - New Zealand - Live Radio Interview
Sept 18, 2003 - Lubbock, TX - Chris & Dina Show, KZ11 102.5 FM
Sept 17, 2003 - Wellington, New Zealand - Live Radio Interview on "The Edge"
Sept 15, 2003 - Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Business
Journal article, "Whip Smart"
Sept 13, 2003 - Minneapolis, MN - MSDB
Sept. 10, 2003 - Little Rock, AK - Live interview on KSSN Radio
Sept. 10, 2003 - Kansas City, MO - Recorded interview on KYYS Radio
Sept. 9, 2003 - Santa Barbara, CA - Live interview on KTID Radio
Sept. 8, 2003 - Springfield, IL - Live interview on WMAI Radio
Sept. 6, 2003 - Studio City, CA - Performance
Aug. 9, 2003 - San Diego, CA - San Diego Whip Enthusiasts
July 12, 2003 - San Jose/Hayward, CA - The Scenery
May 24-26, 2003 - Phoenix, AZ - APEX / Memorial Day
April 27, 2003 - Woodland Hills, CA - Pierce College Farm Walk Day
April 26, 2003 - Studio City, CA
April 4-6, 2003 - St. Paul, MN - Spring Sting
March 23, 2003 - Los Angeles, CA - Workshops
March 14, 2003 - Hollywood, CA - The Gig on Melrose
Feb. 9, 2003 - Hollywood, CA - The Gig on Melrose
Feb. 5, 2003 - Los Angeles, CA - Playboy TV's "Night Calls"
Jan. 25, 2003 - Los Angeles, CA - The Dr. Susan Block Show.
Jan. 20, 2003 - Los Angeles, CA = Playboy Radio's "Night Calls"
Jan. 5, 2003 - Los Angeles - Jesse Valentine's Just Sex (cable)
— 2002 —
Dec. 8, 2002 - Brentwood, CA - VA Hospital Christmas Show/Benefit, Brentwood Theater
Nov. 1, 2002 - Las Vegas, NV - Club Sin
Nov. 16, 2002 - Las Vegas, NV - Private event
Nov. 10, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Private event
Nov. 9, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA -- Dr. Susan Block Show
Oct. 5, 2002 - Albany, NY - House of Mermaid
Oct. 4, 2002 - Albany, NY - Private event
Sept. 9, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Playboy Channel's "Just Sex" show (pilot)
Aug. 17, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - promo event BNS/Red Bull
Aug. 13, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles Times, Feature story, "Coiled and Ready"
June 29, 2002 - San Francisco, CA - SF Sex Expo 2002
June 20, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - KSEXradio.com
May 30, 2002 - Philadelphia, PA - Interview Sensuous Sadie's Column
May 6, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Taurus Party at Hollywood - Production Studios- Performance
April 28, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Pierce College Farm Walk Western Day - Demos
April 21, 2002 - Charleston, SC - Coffee Cabana - Demo
April 20-21, 2002 - Charleston, SC - Private event
April 13-15, 2002 - Phhoenix, AZ, 2002 - APEX Workshops
March 28-31, 2002 - Atlanta, GA - Fantasm 2002 Sci-Fi Convention
March 16, 2002 - Vancouver, BC -m By Invitation Only - Workshop, Demo
March 17, 2002 - Seattle, WA - Aubrey's Playhouse radio
March 10, 2002 - Los Angeles, CA - Team Karate Studio, Master Class
Feb 17, 2002 - Sydney, Australia - Radio Interview, ABC Radio National Network
Feb 13, 2002 - Montreal, Quebec - Radio Interview, CJAD's "Holder Overnight"
Feb 11, 2002 - National Wireless Newsflash Service article
(about teaching kids to crack whips)
— 2001—
Dec. 9, 2001 - Los Angeles, CA - Sterling's 9th Annual VA Hospital Christmas Show
Dec. 4, 2001 - Los Angeles, CA - J. Ward's Class Act Showcase
Nov. 3, 2001 - San Francisco, CA - QSM workshops
Sept. 16, 2001 - San Bernardino, CA - Whip Show
Sept. 8, 2001 - Miami/Fort Lauderdale, FL - Private event
Sept. 3-7, 2001 - Key West/Cozumel - Roissy Cruise
Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2001 - Palm Springs, CA - LeatherFest
June 30, 2001 - San Diego, CA - Technomania Circus 3 shows
April 16, 2001 - Phoenix, AZ - Private event
April 7, 2001 - San Diego, CA - Technomania Circus (2 shows)
April 16, 2001 - Phoenix, AZ - APEX Workshops, Demos
March 31, 2001 Portland, OR - KinkFest Workshops, Demos
March 28, 2001 - Las Vegas, NV - Wild West Arts Club Convention
Feb. 23, 2001 - San Diego, CA - Technomania Circus (2 shows)
Jan. 16, 2001 - Los Angeles, CA - Class Act Showcase
— 2000 —
Dec. 17, 2000 - San Francisco, CA - S.F. School of Circus Arts
Dec. 9, 200 - San Diego, CA - Technomania Circus, (3 shows)
Prior to these dates, Dante was based out of Toronto Ontario for 9 years, traveling to cities in USA and Canada to present shows, demos, and workshops (Whee!).
All material on this website © copyright 2025 by Robert Dante